Technical Tips

Technical Tips

Various Tehnical Tips..


As part of doing software and using and contributing to Open Source we try to document what we doing as it may be helpful to others and it also helps towards automating software tasks by describing what has to be done.

We cover new and current content, with new SMAC (socal, mobile, analytics & (hybrid) cloud) focus, but also enterprise related infrastructure things like OpenStack, Kubernetes, collectd and other rats nest of things that are under the hood.

Some of this material was moved from older  Graphica Documentation notes and generally this material changes regulary as part of simply working on a variety of things.

Here are what is currently covered...


Ghost & Blogging - what we had to do to get multiple ghosts sites up and running covering: node.js, apache configuration, certificates (SNI & Certbot), FreeBSD and other Unix like technologies.

FreeBSD management - including getting OpenSIPS and PostgreSQL up and running on FreeBSD.

IP Telephony & SIP - running and using SIP based Voice over IP (VoIP) systems, covering Cisco, OpenSIPS and other technologies

Vintage Macs & SGI Boxes - the IT history museum and how to keep these old computers up and running

This site is a combination of both self managed and cloud based systems and the reason we do this is to help ensure that we still have hands on experience


OpenSIPS on FreeBSD - IP Telephony is an area where we use and integrate software, we have evolved from using Cicso UCM (unified communication manager) VoIP to OpenSips on FreeBSD and now are using OpenSIPS on Ubuntu. So expect update on this will stop..